Problematic pornography use (PPU) and sex addiction is a growing pandemic in the United States and internationally. Millions of men and a growing number of women have an uncontrollable compulsion towards sex and illicit sexual material. Definitive evidence in the field of brain science and addiction psychology has revealed that chronic and habituated use of pornography and constant sexual stimulation can be harmful and cause lasting brain changes and other life impairments such as:

  • Depression & suicidal thoughts

  • Anxiety

  • Irritability & anger management problems

  • Shame

  • Poor self-image

  • Isolation & social anxiety

  • Relationship conflicts and divorce

  • Work-related problems

  • Financial problems

  • Legal problems

  • Thinking and concentration problems

  • Erectile dysfunction & other sexual dysfunctions

Compulsive sexual behavior is now viewed as an acceptable generalized disorder such as anxiety and depression, and exhibits key features:

  1. Inability to control sexual impulses: Individuals with CSBD experience intense, repetitive sexual urges that they cannot voluntarily curtail.

  2. Repetitive sexual behavior: The disorder is characterized by repetitive sexual behavior, which may include excessive masturbation, compulsive seeking of sexual partners, or engaging in risky sexual behaviors.

  3. Marked distress or impairment: CSBD causes significant psychological distress, impairment in daily life, and potential harm to oneself or others.

  4. Persistent pattern: The disorder persists over an extended period, typically six months or more.

Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD)

Curious if you might have compulsive sexual behavior? Take this quiz now…then, reach out.

Out of control sexual behavior is real and can become problematic. It does not discriminate against gender, wealth, profession, culture, age, or religious background. It is a brain problem.

If you or a loved one is struggling, or you don’t know where to seek help, there is hope. Take your first step and reach out to me today.